


професійна підготовка, прикордонники, організаційно-педагогічні технології, симуляційні технології, інтерактивні технології, психолого-педагогічна технологія, Республіка Індія


The article focuses on the analysis of innovative technologies in the process of professional training of border guards in the Republic of India. The author outlines the following purpose of the article: to analyze innovative technologies used in the process of professional training of border guards at the agency-specific educational establishments in the Republic of India on the basis of examination of Indian teachers’ studies. While investigating, the author used a wide range of scientific methods: archival research, content analysis, generalization of scientific material, deductive method of analysis, etc. Living in the Republic of India for a while, the author used non-participant observation method. As a result, the article proves that there are four groups of innovative technologies used in the process of professional training of border guards in the Republic of India. They are the following: organizational and pedagogical technologies (cascade training, capsule training, microteaching, cross-training, peer training), interactive technologies (mosaic learning, interactive leaning in small groups, exercise «achievement group», game-based methods, exercises «think-pair-share» and «just a minute», discussion methods, cooperative work with video, method «study cell», «buzz group», and besides the author has analyzed interactive lecture and outlined strategies to turn traditional lecture into interactive one), simulation-based technologies (constructive simulation technologies including work with simulations and software to conduct massive and non-massive war games, real simulation technologies and virtual simulation technologies), and also the author has distinguished yoga as psychological and pedagogical technology. The study demonstrates that the usage of these innovative technologies is important to enhance the efficiency of professional training of future border guards and to prepare future experts of border agencies to perform their service duties. Having found previously that there are similar threats at the border in Ukraine and the Republic of India we have come to the conclusion that it is important to conduct comparative analysis of the systems of professional training of border guards in the Republic of India and Ukraine to reveal its advantagesThe article focuses on the analysis of innovative technologies in the process of professional training of border guards in the Republic of India. The author outlines the following purpose of the article: to analyze innovative technologies used in the process of professional training of border guards at the agency-specific educational establishments in the Republic of India on the basis of examination of Indian teachers’ studies. While investigating, the author used a wide range of scientific methods: archival research, content analysis, generalization of scientific material, deductive method of analysis, etc. Living in the Republic of India for a while, the author used non-participant observation method. As a result, the article proves that there are four groups of innovative technologies used in the process of professional training of border guards in the Republic of India. They are the following: organizational and pedagogical technologies (cascade training, capsule training, microteaching, cross-training, peer training), interactive technologies (mosaic learning, interactive leaning in small groups, exercise «achievement group», game-based methods, exercises «think-pair-share» and «just a minute», discussion methods, cooperative work with video, method «study cell», «buzz group», and besides the author has analyzed interactive lecture and outlined strategies to turn traditional lecture into interactive one), simulation-based technologies (constructive simulation technologies including work with simulations and software to conduct massive and non-massive war games, real simulation technologies and virtual simulation technologies), and also the author has distinguished yoga as psychological and pedagogical technology. The study demonstrates that the usage of these innovative technologies is important to enhance the efficiency of professional training of future border guards and to prepare future experts of border agencies to perform their service duties. Having found previously that there are similar threats at the border in Ukraine and the Republic of India we have come to the conclusion that it is important to conduct comparative analysis of the systems of professional training of border guards in the Republic of India and Ukraine to reveal its advantages and use them creatively in the process of professional training of border guards in Ukraine.


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