


inclusive education, children with special educational needs, inclusive form of teaching, child rehabilitation, a facilitator, the disabled people


The article is devoted to the experience of introducing inclusive education to a number of European countries (Poland, Israel, Norway, Denmark, Sweden) and the United States of America. There has been analyzed the formation and functioning of inclusive education in the above mentioned countries. In particular, inclusive education has been introduced relatively recently in Poland, but the involvement of a wide range of specialists is being carried out for its successful functioning. For this purpose, centers for education and rehabilitation of the disabled people have been organized, in which specialists help to solve the problems of the organization of inclusive education. The Israeli system for the organization and functioning of inclusive education is based on the consideration and observance of the provisions of the Concept of Inclusive Education. It requires that the proposed model of immersion should be taken into account, emphasizing the particularities of studying in the inclusive class, based on certain factors for the implementation of a successful inclusive process. In inclusive education, coordinators and counselors with special education are involved. The coordinator works with students. Each Scandinavian country has developed a national strategy for the implementation of inclusive education. The «inclusive education» course is provided for studying by students of all pedagogical specialties. In Norway, a system of state support for children with special educational needs has been organized since the middle of the last century. Children are taught by special educators trained at universities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The Danish system of inclusive education is characterized by the fact that in some schools there are students with special educational needs together with groups of children studying in mass schools. In Sweden, there are various forms of inclusive education. A special educator works with children in the classroom. Besides, special educators from the municipal centers for child rehabilitation provide advice and recommendations to parents and teachers. The organization and functioning of inclusive education in the United States is somewhat different from that of the European one. In particular, more attention is paid to the training of qualified specialists of public schools who work with children with special educational needs. Members of the multidisciplinary team work with teachers. If it is necessary, a facilitator works with children with special educational needs. The analysis of the foreign background of the organization and functioning of inclusive education makes it possible to identify the components that should be introduced in Ukraine with the purpose of successful implementation of the inclusive form of teaching children with special educational needs.


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