


passionarity, passionary qualities, passionarity of preschooler, passionary personality, subpassionary preschooler, persistent preschooler


The meaning of the term “passionarity of preschooler” has been defined in the article. Forms and methods of the development of children’s passionary qualities at pre-school educational institutions have been determuned. Passionarity of preschooler has been explained as a complex of personal qualities (vitality, initiativeness, stubbornness, internal irresistible aspiration for activity) which provide the dominance in a preschooler group, the ability to communicate from the position of the fighter and the winner, to implement nonstandard behavior in the game during the specially organized or independent activities. It has been proved that in the conditions of decrease of person’s activity, scientists and pedagogical workers pay more attention to the education of children who have passionary qualities and who are a vivid contrast to passive children. The pedagogy classics’ (such as S. Rusova and A. Makarenko) approaches concerning the education of active children with developed militant instinct have been analyzed. Whether a child will become a leader, guide, builder, or rebel, destroyer, radical; the creator of the system or its small screw, – it all depends on the direction of educational influences of pre-school education specialists, the integration of their efforts with parents. The diagnostic tools to define preschoolers’ inclination to manifest the passionarity have been developed. Based on the analysis of the speech content, such types of personality have been determined: passionary (too energetic), persistent (moderately energetic) and subpassionary (energy-deficient). Passionarity is diagnosed by determining in the speech frequent occurrence of great number of words corresponding to a passionary personality. The correctness of the result is checked and supported by the analysis of the game activity and the manifestations of the child’s emotions. Passionary children are active, cheerful, lively, energetic, inquisitive, emotional. The following peculiarities of the development of the children’s passionaty qualities at pre-school educational institutions have been found out: creation of environment of love, kindness and trust; integration of parents and education specialists’ efforts; directing preschoolers to do good things for the closest people; balancing the interests of the preschooler and the team; the respect for rules and order based on the principles of humanism, mutual respect, justice; organization of many-sided activities (educational, recreational, artistic, etc.); the implementation of game pedagogy and pedagogy of emotional experiences. The expediency of creating the children’s media products for the passionary children has been shown. The necessity of partnership with parents in the formation of a passionary child has been substantiated. The appropriate recommendations for parents have been developed.


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