


integration, professional model, language units, language system


The linguistic training of a language and literature teacher involves mastering the system of linguistic theoretical knowledge and language skills, which ensures high quality of speech. Speech culture of a teacher promotes the effective knowledge transfer, information exchange, facilitates the improvement of management of pupils’ cognitive and practical activities, regulates the relationship between a teacher and a student. The teacher will be able to accomplish these tasks if he or she deeply comprehends the fundamental issues of linguistic theory, understands the connection of one phenomenon with another, knows the language system and the laws of its functioning. This problem becomes particularly acute in our time when there is a need for modernization of the system of pedagogical education according to the requirements specified in the Concept of the development of higher pedagogical education of Ukraine in the XXI century: 1) deepening of interdisciplinary relations; 2) development of integrated courses; 3) elimination of educational material duplication. Proving the relevance of the issues of the article, we suggest that in the educational process of higher educational institutions the focus is made on the professional model of a pedagogical educational institution graduate who demonstrates modern theoretical knowledge, considerable practical skills, creative qualities and great professional (methodological) skills. The purpose of the article is to identify the role of interdisciplinary and inter-level relationships and the way they are used for the improvement of the efficiency of the Ukrainian language learning process and teaching methods. The limited number of hours devoted to the formation of methodological knowledge, skills in one or another field of linguistics does not contribute to the implementation of these tasks. Thus it is necessary to introduce the elements of teaching methods in classes of the course of modern Ukrainian literary language observing the following aspects: 1) contrasting the content of the material learnt at schools and in higher pedagogical educational establishments; 2) the implementation of exercises and tasks of an integrated nature; 3) selection of the didactic material for certain topics and so on. The basic unit of the presentation of the linguistic material in such a system should be the text (context), because it represents the regularities of functioning of the linguistic units of each level. An important tool for learning a language is the analysis of language units. For that reason all kinds of linguistic analysis should be used in classes of modern Ukrainian literary language, but it should be consistent with linguistic analysis made in secondary schools. For the same purpose the native language textbooks intended for the educational process of schoolchildren can be used. Developing a methodology for the complex presentation of linguistic phenomena and the system of their learning we have used logical and theoretical analysis of the content of curricula and textbooks for the subjects of the linguistic cycle regarding the presence in them of the orientation on inter-level interdisciplinary connections, the theoretical analysis of scientific and educational literature for the purpose of selection of the actual material and the construction of the system of integrated learning word formation, and observation of the educational process.


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