


inclusive education, inclusive environment, inclusiveness, segregation, children with special educational needs


The theoretical analysis of the concepts of "inclusion", "inclusive education", "children with special needs" has been carried out. The study of these terms has made it possible to conclude that inclusive education is based on the idea of including children with special educational needs in mass educational institutions. It has been demonstrated that at the present stage of development of the society, inclusive education as a central pedagogical condition for the success of each child has its clearly defined value. The basic principles of inclusive education are defined in accordance with the legislative framework of Ukraine. The history of the formation and implementation of the ideas of inclusive education has been considered. The uniqueness of inclusive education lies in the fact that it combines pedagogy, medicine and social work. This contributes to the theoretical comprehension of it in the context of each of the scientific fields and the formation of an integral conception of it. The important tasks, which are necessary for the implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, have been analyzed. It has been found that the basis of inclusive education is the ideology that prevents any discrimination against children, ensures equal treatment for all, creating special conditions for children with special educational needs. It is noted that inclusive education can support such children in learning and achieving success, which will give them chances and opportunities to improve their lives. It has been proved that the introduction of inclusive education contributes to the restructuring of the culture of the educational institution, involving teachers, students and their parents.


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