instrumental music making, folk instruments, children's instrumental ensemble, chromatic flute, percussion instruments, scoreAbstract
Attention is focused on the importance of improving the quality of music teacher training by achieving the necessary competencies related to music-making technologies on Ukrainian folk instruments in the process of conducting music lessons in secondary schools, managing children's instrumental ensembles in out-of-school education institutions. Work experience while teaching the course «Instrumental science and methods of working with a children's music group» at TNPU is highlighted. The basic conditions that affect the development and process of formation of professional skills and skills of playing in an instrumental ensemble among students, as well as the management of a children's musical group based on mastering the methods of working with a homogeneous and mixed composition of folk traditional instruments of a children's instrumental ensemble, didactic principles and knowledge of performance, are analyzed on such instruments. The process of preparing a future music teacher for the organization and implementation of collective performance instrumental and creative activity of schoolchildren in the conditions of classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular work, the form of conducting rehearsal work with an ensemble of folk instruments in extracurricular time, which involve the student writing a score for the instrumental accompaniment of a vocal work from children's music, is characterized School repertoire and its gradual voicing by the instrumental composition of the academic group. Examples of the use of rhythmic improvisation, the technology of mastering percussion instruments without a specific pitch, the chromatic soprano flute in C major in musical art lessons, and playing music on other traditional folk instruments during classes in an instrumental ensemble are given.
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