


Lesya Ukrainka, nature, poetry, love for one's native land, reader, junior student


The purpose of the article is to analyze Lesia Ukrainka's poems published in the readers for primary schoolchildren in terms of promoting their love for beauty of native Ukrainian land. Research methods are analysis, synthesis, and system approach. Under the current conditions of the national education system revival, the problem of love for beauty of native land is vitally important as it is a significant factor in the formation of the national consciousness of younger schoolchildren. A successful solution to this problem can be ensured if the best artistic examples of Ukrainian poets and writers are included in the educative process. At the lessons of literary reading, using literary works of Lesya Ukrainka, an outstanding Ukrainian poetess and writer, will promote younger pupils' ability to admire the beauty of Ukrainian nature, worry about preservation of its purity and originality, be able to represent their experiences and emotions visually. In the article, the content of Lesya Ukrainka' poetry that is included in the readers was considered for the case of pupils of the second-fourth grades; they reveal the problem of upbringing the love for the beauty of the native land. The poems, which depict the stunning areas of Ukrainian nature in every season, unique sceneries of the evening, night and morning sea, were featured. The process of reflection of poetess’ mood, emotions, and experiences was researched in the image of the native land. It was proved that growing up in the magic of Volyn nature, traditions and customs, Lesya Ukrainka managed to reflect her thoughts and ideas in highly artistic forms that enchant by the wealth of poetic images and lyrics of poetic word. The poetess’ works are peculiar for strong opinions and feelings; they evoke a wave of thought and emotion. The writer believes that the task of true art lies in a true reflection of reality and, what is more, it depicts life in all its diversity and grandeur. The study does not cover theoretical and practical searches for the problem solution. Studying a love for beauty of one's native land in the books for home reading require further attention.


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