


teacher of natural sciences, professional training, multimedia


The problem of the preparation of future teachers of natural disciplines, the activity of which involves professional mobility, creative self-realization, the ability to apply modern technologies and to solve creative and practical tasks is considered in the article. It is indicated that the school needs teachers who are able not only to see problems, but also to solve them promptly and productively. It is shown that in the process of preparing future teachers of natural disciplines, there arises the need to develop professional skills that ensure the successful performance of specific functions related to the future profession. Modern school requires the teachers, who are able not only to identify problems, but also to solve them promptly and productively. In the process of preparing future teachers of natural sciences there is a need to form students with professional qualities that ensure the successful implementation of specific functions related to the future profession. The introduction of multimedia facilities, in our opinion, contributes to the formation of the necessary professional qualities of the students namely: scientific and pedagogical (vocational and pedagogical training, interest in pedagogical activity, ability to research and pedagogical creativity); personal (discipline, demanding, desire for self-improvement); research (creative approach to learning, resourcefulness, orientation). The introduction of multimedia technologies in education shows that they allow to replace almost all traditional technical means of teaching, enable the teacher to successfully combine different teaching aids, thus helping to deepen the learning material, saves lesson time, and, most importantly, enriches its information. Multimedia can intensify the process of preparing future teachers of natural sciences, stimulate the development of students' thinking and imagination, increase the amount of educational material for creative learning and use by the students, form research skills, ability to make optimal decisions, to cause interest and positive attitude to teaching and teaching subject matter. As the results of the research of the use of multimedia tools in the process of preparing future teachers of natural sciences contribute to the profound formation of the professional qualities of future teachers,it gives a visual representation of the result of the actions, the ability to create interesting research projects, increases the level and complexity of the tasks performed. It should not be disregarded that multimedia teaching aids are universal and are used by the teacher in all types of classes while maintaining the three-way goal.


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