



National Police of Ukraine, patrol police, pedagogical conditions, situational tasks


The urgency of the article is determined by the existing problems in the professional preparedness of police officers. The training of a patrol police officer as a carrier of a new ideology of service function requires the improvement of the system of training police officers and the revision of the pedagogical conditions of educational activity. Based on the analysis of the governing documents regulating professional training of the police, the key directions of reforming the system of vocational education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine were identified. The necessity of ensuring a close relationship between science and practice and the training of skilled personnel with advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills is determined. The analysis of the educational process of the students of the primary vocational training of police officers who were first taken to police service for the positions of the patrol police inspectors showed that the practical orientation is ensured, first of all, by the application of situational tasks when working out the practical skills of the patrol policeman during the origin of role-playing games (scenarios). The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the pedagogical conditions of application of situational tasks during professional training of patrol police officers. The authors studied the specifics of the professional program of initial training of patrol police inspectors. The program regulates a list of educational subjects and related topics that are mandatory for study, their content, scope, purpose of training, forms of final control. According to the current guidelines, the term of study is 80 academic days (4 months), the total time of training time is 732 hours. A typical curriculum includes a number of items that are normative (472 hours) and varied (260 hours) parts. A prominent place during training of police officers is given to the development of scenarios. The article describes the peculiarities of the implementation of situational tasks, the pedagogical conditions for the application of situational tasks during the professional training of prospective patrol police officers have been determined and theoretically substantiated. The main pedagogical conditions are: increasing motivation of students to study and self-education; proper level of logistics; application of situational tasks after mastering the basics of basic subjects; sufficient level of professional competence of instructors and instructors. Defined and theoretically grounded pedagogical conditions must be realized comprehensively. Failure to at least one of them significantly reduces the effectiveness of forming the skills of the correct actions in the decision of official situations.


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