


advanced teacher training, continuing education in the USA, adult education


The history of the formation and development of the American system for improving the qualifications of school teachers is analyzed in the article. It is stated that from the very beginning continuous education has developed in two directions: as a pedagogical concept, a paradigm and as a phenomenon of practice. It was determined that the development of the teacher training system was not equal and straightforward, but was a process full of real changes that included different stages. Among them, it is possible to conditionally distinguish three stages: from the 40s to 60s; from the 60s to 80s years of the XX century; from the 80s to the present. On the basis of the analysis of scientific sources, it was concluded that within this system there were two main forms of teacher training: training in courses (long-term or short-term) at universities and colleges and advanced training that was organized at schools, namely, at the teachers’ work place. It has also been proved that the formation of modern teacher training system was greatly facilitated by studies conducted under the auspices of the National Institute of Education. It has been established that the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (USA) has developed standards that the applicants for the position of teacher must meet. It is determined that solving problems of recruitment and preservation of perspective pedagogical staff, comprehensive support of young teachers, and effective administrative and pedagogical support for their professional development are key areas of US educational policy in recent decades.


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