


professional pedagogical education, university, teacher training college, educational policy, reform, the model of training teachers in Germany


The article provides historical and pedagogical analysis of the formation and development of professional pedagogical education in Germany in the European context. It is investigated that the governing bodies and the management of education in each of the German states in particular, developed and implemented the stages of the organization of professional and pedagogical training and its content. Its effectiveness, which for centuries was provided with purposeful state support, consecutive educational policy, thought-out reforms based on democratic principles (except for the period of the fascist dictatorship) is proved. Creation of favorable conditions for the joint education of representatives of different faiths, throughout almost the entire period described above, affirms the democratism of the future teachers’ professional training. Significant contribution to the training of pedagogical staff both by German universities, alongside with the pedagogical training colleges created on their basis, and by individual teacher training colleges is revealed. It is pointed out that the institutions of such a type were the main ones for training teachers in the late 18th and in the 19th centuries in Germany, France, Switzerland and other European countries. Thus, in imitation, “pedagogical Stammbaum” were formed on the territory of Galicia. Later on, teacher training colleges preparing teachers for people’s schools were formed on the basis of reforms implementation.It is proved that after the Second World War, differences in future teachers training in the eastern and western parts of Germany became particularly noticeable. Implementation of the organizational and structural reorganization of pedagogical education only started after the reunification of the GDR and the FRG into a unitary state. Lack of the unified nationwide educational system was and still remains the most important peculiarity of future teachers’ professional training. Each of the federal states has its own characteristic features of training, having inherited the division into two phases – theoretical and practical, after which students take state examinations. Special attention is paid to the elucidation of experience of future teachers practical training. The motto “There should be nothing in science that has no deal with practice, there should be nothing in practice that is not substantiated by science”, which has been known since 1843 is successfully implemented in the pedagogical educational institutions of Germany.


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