



rhetoric, aspect lessons and lessons of public eloquence, training exercises


The teaching of the Ukrainian language involves the preparation of a competent person with an appropriate level of communicative competence, based on the system of knowledge of the language, its grammatical structure, who has a rich vocabulary, norms of literary language and is able to freely express his or her own thoughts in oral and written forms in any style of speech. The urgency of the problem of working out the rhetorical aspects of the Ukrainian language is determined by the needs of society, insufficient research and requirements of educational normative documents. Accordingly, there are conditions for the formation of speech competence, the development of oratory skills at all levels of the secondary education school (primary, basic and senior). The purpose of the article is to highlight the methodology of the formation of rhetorical skills and abilities of pupils of the basic and senior levels of the general education school in the process of learning the language-speech material. To achieve the purpose of investigation, there were used such research methods as analysis of normative educational documents on the problem of studying, generalization, systematization, comparison of linguistic and methodological materials of rhetorical direction. Formation of rhetorical skills is ensured by the mastering of the fundamental material of speech-language character about norms of the Ukrainian language; the basis of dialogical, monologue and polygonal speech, their types and structure; indicators of speech culture; paralinguistic means of speech communication; verbal etiquette formulas from the culture of speech and the rules of speech etiquette and culture of communication. From the above, there follow the rhetorical aspects of studying the Ukrainian language: linguistic, speech-label, etiquette and the aspect of logical-emotional expressiveness. Formation of a communicatively competent rhetorical person is a gradual process, with the adherence to the principles of accessibility and perspective, systematic, consistency, etc., in the lessons of studying linguistic material and the development of coherent speech. The rhetorical aspects of studying the Ukrainian language are being studied by conducting various types of dialogue lessons and lessons of public eloquence during the elaboration of elements of practical rhetoric. Acquisition of language and speech knowledge takes place using such methods as explanation; work with the textbook; visibility; technical means for getting acquainted with new material or for fixing it; a method of exercises, which is accompanied by a classification of tasks of monologic, dialogic and polylogic type. It is important to perform a system of rhetorically directed exercises – linguistic, language-speech, conditional-speech, own-speech, communicative.


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