




innovations, pedagogical activity, psychological barriers, reflexive and innovative practical work


The article deals with the questions dedicated to neutralization of teachers’ barriers which appear during the innovation activity. Different approaches connected with the formation and development of the teacher's personality in the context of the modernization in higher school have been described in this paper too. These approaches are also connected with the formation of a strategy for the solution of innovative professional tasks and at the same time they provide the ability to generalize their own experience as well as determine the sequence of actions to change their own personality and it means the development of teachers’ barrier resistance. The purpose of the article is to describe the possible directions of ability development by foreign language teachers to confront the difficulties that arise in their activities during the period of implementation of innovations. This paper proposes a new approach to solving the problems concerning teachers’ overcoming barriers while using the reflexive and innovative practice. It has been suggested, that the readiness of the teacher to innovations can be formed with the aid of the reflexive and innovative practice. Important attention in the investigation was paid to the study of common development factors of professional contradictions that appear in the severe outness, which in their turn can both positively and negatively affect the efficiency of the teacher’s activity. One of prevailing characteristics of a teacher and, at the same time, his success as a highly qualified specialist lies in his wish for the innovative activity and plays an important role in practical work. Another key characteristic and one possible solution of investigated problem is to create circumstances under which the teacher will be physiologically ready for the innovation activity. It was noted in the paper that such readiness shows the teacher’s awareness of effective means and methods for achieving pedagogical tasks, tendency to reflection and creativity. The implementation of the above-mentioned reflexive and innovative practical work is aimed at the solution of the following tasks: formation of teacher's barrier resistant behavior; ensuring of a constructive dialogue, not confrontation; adaptation of the teacher to conditions which change very quickly; development of a convincing non-aggressive position. We suppose that overcoming innovative barriers in everyday pedagogical practice as well as in long-term educational activities is possible only with one defining condition: switch to a different value system, subject-subject matrix of interpersonal relationships.


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