


pre-school age, pre-school educational institutions, sociocultural concept, regularities, principles


The article describes and analyzes the key laws and principles of social and cultural values of the concept of body-education of preschool children in interaction with the physical, moral and aesthetic education. It is noted that in today's conditions of development of preschool education, it is necessary to take into account the multilateral social demands and requirements, interests and needs of different groups of the population, special regularities and principles of physical and value education of children of preschool age. The purpose of this article is to determine the theoretical substantiation of the laws and principles of the socio-cultural concept of physical and value education of preschool children in cooperation with physical, moral and aesthetic education. The analysis allowed to reveal the theoretical and methodological foundations of the socio-cultural concept of physical and value education of preschool children in interaction with physical, moral and aesthetic education through the elucidation of the theoretical foundations of the laws and principles of the above system. Different thoughts are presented by both domestic and foreign scientists who were engaged in solving the problem of key regularities and principles of the sociocultural concept of physical and value education of preschool age children in interaction with physical, moral and aesthetic upbringing. It is proved that the disclosure of theoretical and methodological principles of the socio-cultural concept of physical and value education of preschool age children in interaction with physical, moral and aesthetic education requires first of all the elucidation of the theoretical foundations of the principles and principles of the system of physical and value education of preschoolers. It is suggested that the implementation of the principles of the system of physical and value education of preschool children in cooperation with physical, moral and aesthetic education yields positive results only when they are used in a harmonious combination. It is concluded that the main task of a preschool institution is to introduce an effective system of physical and value education of preschool children in conjunction with physical, moral and aesthetic education, which will promote the growth of a child's conscious, patriotically minded, spiritually developed personality. The detailed consideration of the issue of the principles and principles of the socio-cultural concept of the physical and value education of preschool children in cooperation with physical, moral and aesthetic education has become the basis for determining the criteria for the formation of the value relation of the child to his own physicality.


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