listening skills, speech, positive attitude, motivation, stages of listening activityAbstract
The peculiarities of developing students’ foreign language listening skills at high school are analyzed. At the present stage of the development of Ukraine, there is a need for specialists who are all-round personalities and are able to learn, improve their skills and expand their knowledge within the sphere of their professional interests. People constantly share their experience with their colleagues abroad, as well as learn about the latest innovations and inventions. This is an indispensable part of a person’s self-improvement and development. Exchanging experience and sharing knowledge would be impossible without knowing at least one foreign language. As far as communication is not only the ability to respond to business letters in a written form or reading a piece of text, listening skills become important in conveying information and exchanging thoughts. A person should be able to analyze information presented in speaking and respond to it. As a result, developing students’ foreign language listening skills becomes a question of importance for further education and prospective career of students at high school. The notion of listening is analyzed and its most characteristic features are explained. The main stages of developing students’ listening skills as well as the difficulties they encounter while perceiving other people’s speech are specified. Possible ways to deal with the difficulties are suggested. The article analyzes the factors which influence the formation of students’ foreign language listening skills, characterizes the stages of performing listening tasks and their peculiar features. Examples of exercises which correspond to these three stages of listening activity are provided, the features which should be present in foreign language listening texts are emphasized. The role of students’ motivation and positive attitude to learning a foreign language at high school is specified. It is emphasized that positive attitude helps learners master a foreign language more quickly and efficiently. As a result, they are able to understand people’s speech and respond to it, expressing their approval or disapproval, sharing their opinions and ideas.
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