



case method, future teacher, methodical preparation, professional methodical case


Methodological TRAINING of future teachers of foreign languages is carried out by using different methods, means and training techniques. Case method is an active method of teaching, and its use in the process of methodological training of the future teachers of foreign languages requires a rethinking and specification of the peculiarities of the educational and cognitive activity of the master’s degree holders, as well as the specific activity of the teacher, who organizes the appropriate training. The article aims to characterize the case-method in the methodological TRAINING of future teachers for the implementation of intercultural foreign language education. In the course of the research, the analysis and synthesis of scientific sources for clarification of the content of the basic concepts, comparison, synthesis for determining the technology of the case-method in the methodological training of future teachers, pilot training, determination of perspective directions of scientific research for solving the problem was carried out. In the context of the methodological training of the future teachers, the case-method is a method of forming methodological skills on the basis of situations that simulate the teaching and methodological activities of a teacher of foreign languages and cultures. The means of realization of a case-method is a professional methodological case that promotes the formation and development of methodological skills of future teachers to plan students’ classroom work. The case-study tecknique is implemented in two stages, at each of which the teacher and students carry out various activities. Other methods are integrated into case-method: simulation (description of methodological situations that simulate the activity of a teacher of foreign languages and cultures), games (professionaloriented role-playing games), discussion (discussing solutions to professional methodological cases). The case-method allows graduate students to understand the possible real situations of vocational and methodological work of a teacher of foreign languages and cultures, to formulate methodological skills to plan students' classroom work, prepare for the implementation of constructive planning and organizational functions during future professional activities. The prospect of the study is to substantiate and develop a methodology for using the case-method during the pedagogical practice of future teachers of foreign languages and cultures.


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