



twofold model, intercultural communicative foreign language competence, indirect professional didactical training, teaching and professional tasks


The article deals with a conceptual model of professionally oriented development of undergraduate students’ intercultural communicative competence, which is achieved in the process of performing specially prepared teaching and professional tasks as means of indirect professional and didactical training of new generation of pre-serevice teachers. There has been investigated the efficiency of the provided conceptual model in the course of foreign language practical classes at a pedagogical university for the Bachelor Degree students. The twofold peculiarity of the given model is predetermined by its emphasis on the undergraduate students’ acquisition of the structural components of such competences as language, linguistic, lingual and sociocultural and the didactic and strategic one while implementing academic and professionally oriented goals and solving specially constructed teaching and professional tasks of different levels of complexity as well. Two stages have been defined for successful organisation of the outlined activity. The former deals with the professional language training, aimed at preparing students for independent application of teaching and professional tasks. The latter one consists in professional-language practice and is achieved in the process of the role playing and simulation of relevant didactic tasks in the given teaching circumstances. The activity results in the increased educational and developing capacity of the foreign language practical classes with the emphasis on their professional methodical orientation. This factor reinforces the positive impact of the above mentioned teaching and professional tasks on training foreign language teachers to be objects of cognition, intended for life-long raising their own level of intercultural communicative competence; subjects of the culture of European values and standards; key agents of positive changes in the process of teaching children and the youth within the content area of the subject they are going to teach, professional specialists understanding the vitally important needs and tasks of the national foreign language education. It has been concluded that the content of professionally oriented training should be defined and represented in the syllabi and curricula of philological profile courses for students of all levels of studying in compliance with the national peculiarities of the content of the renovated foreign language university education defined by the national framework documents.


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