




diplomatic communication, communicative strategy, communicative tactics, diplomatic discourse


The communicative strategies and ways of their implementation in the diplomatic discourse have been defined and characterized. It has been noted that in the diplomatic activity language is a considerable means of influence on the interlocutor: in any communicative situation a diplomat must be especially attentive to his speech. Diplomatic communication is a kind of official-business style and is applied in the field of interstate relations in politics, economy and culture and regulates the official-business relations of international organizations, structures, individuals and is implemented in conventions (international agreements), communiqués (messages), notes (appeals), protocols, memorandums, treaties, applications, ultimatums. It has been proved that diplomatic communication is a strictly regulated form of declamatory art of negotiation conducting at the interstate level. It is characterized by brevity, accuracy, and courtesy. It has been determined that communication embraces the planning of speech actions together with the ways of achieving the set goals; therefore, linguistic communication can be considered as a strategic process, which is realized through specific communication strategies. Communicative strategy is treated as a complex of speech actions or the main line of speech behavior aimed at achieving a communicative goal. It is formed in the process of speech activity under the influence of a motive, which, in turn, is due to the corresponding need. Each type of discourse (speech) is characterized by appropriate communicative strategies that are used in various areas of communication. Diplomatic discourse always focuses on dialogue, on reaching a compromise through negotiation. The situation of communication, the subject of discussion, the form of a diplomatic conversation, and the intentions of the communicant define the communicative strategy and tactics. Based on the analysis of communication strategies in different types of discourses the tactical and strategic potential of a specialist in international relations has been highlighted. It has been determined that communicative strategies of conformism, argumentation, selfpresentation, agitation, manipulation, attack, and self-defense are mostly used by a diplomat for pursuing communicative purposes. It has been proved that diplomatic discourse is characterized by a certain set of communicative strategies and tactics, which help to implement the speaker’s specific intentions.


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