



types of bilingualism, degrees of the development of bilingualism, metalinguistic consciousness, multilingual state of personality


The basic concepts of multilingual education have been revealed and the potential of the influence of multilingual education on personal development of the future specialist has been determined. Different types of bilingualism have been shown: from the harmonic bilingualism of the Soviet era, which has led to monolingualism, to the perfect bilingualism (equibilingualism) passing through such stages as a normative oneway bilingualism and normative two-way bilingualism, passive and active, target and everyday (spontaneous) bilingualism. The perfect bilingualism manifests itself as individual, group, massive, continuous, autonomous, or pure, complete, coordinate bilingualism when person clearly differentiates linguistic systems. This type of bilingualism is also called finalized, purpose-oriented, and functional. Different degrees and characteristics of subordinate bilingualism have been revealed. The subordinate bilingualism is characterized as complete, incomplete, partial, initial, and zero one. On the basis of the analysis of socio- and psycholinguistic publications, the features of a multilingual personality, also called metalinguistic consciousness, have been provided. The conclusion has been made that bilinguals exceed monolinguals in their cognitive development, the mentality of a multilingual person is more dynamic, the process of learning several languages leads to a higher degree of the level of proficiency in native language, contributing to the generalization of language phenomena and more conscious use of the word as a means of thinking. This personal consciousness is filled with universal notions, ideas about special features of perception of the world by other peoples, the comprehension of their moral codes as well as generally accepted judgments of common sense, which cultivates a tolerant attitude towards other peoples and their perception of the world which is extremely necessary for modern globalization processes in the society.


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