


praxeology, praxeological competence, praxeological skills, praxeological training of the future teacher, praxeological technology, successful activities, educational technologies


The comparative analysis of praxeological training of future teachers in Ukraine and Poland has been carried out in the article. The prospects of this training improvement have been determined. The contribution of Ukrainian and Polish scientists to the development of praxeology as well as to the substantiation of praxeological principles of the specialist training has been shown. The approaches to the interpretation of the terms “praxeological competence”, “praxeological skills” have been presented. There have been found out the elements of praxeological competence in the key competencies of the New Ukrainian School Concept. The essence of the term “praxeological training of the future teacher” (the component of educational and professional program) has been specified. Professional competence which is defined as the ability to organize teaching activities effectively and to form students’ knowledge and skills necessary for achieving success in life has been proved to be a part of this program. The experience of praxeological training of future teachers in the teaching process of such subjects as “Educational Technologies”, “Organization of Successful Activities” has been cleared up. Forms and methods of teaching these subjects and training students for developing successful pupil’s personality have been described. Such forms and methods include determination of life aims, doing exercises, doing projects, participation in business games for creating an image, mastering the method of overcoming obstacles. The history of the schools of success founded by C. Freinet and W. Glasser has been highlighted. The importance of success for child’s self-realization; interconnection between the lifetime success of an individual and the welfare of the state has been shown. The necessity of cooperation between family and school in the formation of praxeological skills has been substantiated. Creation of the atmosphere of family love and the use of positive suggestion have been proved as important factors for a child to achieve success. The possibilities of improving the praxeological training of future teachers in universities of Ukraine and Poland have been determined. The attention has been focused on the need of grounding the innovative ways of praxeological training of future teachers, the exchange of the experience of its realization among scientists of these states.


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