



educational and developing environment, functions and principles of modeling the educational and developing environment, components of educational and developing environment of elementary school


The professional activity of the elementary school teacher is characterized by a rather high level of complexity, tension and intense interpersonal relations. The teacher organizes the educational process during which the pupils acquire the new knowledge, reproduce social experience, culture of social behavior, selfstimulation of social, mental and physical activity. They master the system of value orientation, acquire means of the knowledge of the world and become capable of communicating with other people.On the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature the basic concept of research is defined as ‘educational and developing environment’. The basic requirements of the principles and functions of the design of the educational and developing environment of elementary school have been specified. The basic components (space, social and communication, psychological and pedagogical component, cognitive and motivational) of the educational and developing environment are distinguished. There have been defined the didactic and psychological possibilities of the educational and developing environment in the activity of the elementary school teacher. On this basis there have been modeled the structure and functions of the educational and developing environment as a factor of the efficiency of the professional activity of the elementary school teacher. There have been scientifically grounded the models and various aspects of creating the educational environment of secondary and higher educational establishments. On the basis of the created system of the educational and developing environment, there has been developed a set of practical tasks for modeling the conditions and characteristics of the formation of the educational and developing environment. It has been determined that the formation of the components of educational and cognitive activity of pupils should take place in the conditions of partnership, cooperative management and intersubject relations. In the process of such interaction it is necessary to solve the tasks of the development of value orientations, creative potential of pupils and aspiration for self-realization by means of optimal selection of forms, methods and means of training interaction taking into account individual characteristics. The main value of educational and cognitive activity and its outcome consist in changes in the intellectual, moral, and personal development of pupils. Similarly, its subject consists in the process and the result of the formation of mechanisms of self-organization.


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