



pedagogical conditions, health-improving technologies, process of physical education, methodical system


The research is devoted to the problem of creating pedagogical conditions for the formation of methodological readiness of future specialists to use health-improving technologies in the process of physical education and future life. The essence of the concept “pedagogical conditions” is determined, the views of scientists on the interpretation and classification of pedagogical conditions are analyzed. The results of the analysis of special scientific and methodological literature have shown the diversity of modern scientific research in relation to preparation of future specialists, but most of them are aimed at improving the process of preparation by introducing appropriate pedagogical technologies into this process. The generalization of the results of scientific researches of domestic scientists made it possible to determine the leading pedagogical conditions for the students’ preparation for the application of health-improving technologies in the process of physical education: forming of internal positive motivation to the use of health-improving technologies; optimization of educational process through deepening and systematization of theoretical knowledge; creation of a health-saving educational environment of a higher educational establishment. The pedagogical conditions of the innovative methodological system, that will provide the effective forming of knowledge, abilities and skills necessary in physical culture and health activities, are substantiated. Pedagogical conditions of the methodical system of application of health-improving technologies in the process of students’ physical education are interpreted as factors that positively influence the efficiency of students’ methodical preparation, contribute to the formation of their methoological readiness for the application of healthimproving technologies in the process of physical education and life in particular, and increase the effectiveness of athletic-health activity of participants in the educational process in higher educational establishment on the whole. The pedagogical conditions of formation of students’ readiness in a higher educational establishment to the introduction of health-improving technologies into the process of physical education and life activity are described: organizational and pedagogical, didactic, psychological and pedagogical. The essence of the concept “health-preserving educational environment of higher educational establishment” is determined and the means of formation of health-preserving educational environment of the university are presented.


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