



engineering teacher, professional activity, projecting, projecting competences, computer ontologies, computer ontology systems, ontology engineering


The article discovers the content of design competences in using computer ontology systems by future engineering teachers in the field of computer technologies and defines the notion of computer ontology systems. It is revealed that the use of computer ontology systems by future engineering teachers will enable them to expand their design competences through the formation of a system of representations, value orientations, design skills and skills in the construction and further filling of computer ontologies. The essence of the concept "design competence of an engineering teacher" in the context of the use of computer ontology systems is specified. The educational and qualification characteristic of the engineering teacher in the field of computer technologies is analyzed. Among the mentioned skills and typical tasks of a teacher’s future activity. the ones in which the use of computer ontology systems will contribute to the development of design competences are highlighted. The article singles out the elements of the design competence as preconditions of successful activity of future engineering teachers in the field of computer technologies: motivational, orientational, operational, volitional and evaluative. The components of the formation of the design competences of future engineering teachers in the field of computer technologies in using computer ontologies systems are distinguished and substantiated. The motivational and goal-oriented component provides an individual’s aspiration for selfdevelopment and their motivation for self-education. The cognitive and intellectual component provides mastering the system of general pedagogical and engineering knowledge necessary for the effective implementation of professional self-development in the field of knowledge engineering and ontological engineering by future engineering teachers. The professional activity approach includes the structure and content of professional activity: its purpose, means, and results. The effective and reflexive component includes the analysis and evaluation of its results. The criteria for assessing the teaching system effectiveness must correspond to the prescribed goals and objectives. According to the components of design competences the criteria (operational, evaluative and analytical) have been defined and indices of their formation in using computer ontology systems in the professional activity of future engineering teachers in the field of computer technologies have been determined.


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