



organizational and methodological conditions; senior management of an educational institution; second cycle of higher education; deontological preparation; deontological competence


The article deals with the organizational and methodological conditions of deontological preparation of the education managers in a higher educational establishment. They are represented as complex of circumstances which activate the interaction of factors of the educational environment of a higher education establishment in order to solve the problem of deontological preparation of the candidates for Master’s degree in the educational program «Management of an educational institution». It is mentioned that the realization of these conditions provides the effective implementation of the model of deontological preparation of the senior management of educational establishments on the second cycle of higher education and the achievement of the expected result – the appropriate level of formation of the deontological competence. There have also been described the results of the analysis of the notion of «the organizational condition» in the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature. A set of principles (methodological, special and specific) has been substantiated. It forms the basis for selection of the organizational and methodological conditions of the deontological preparation of the education managers in a higher educational institution. There has been given a detailed characterization of such organizational and methodological conditions. Their correlation and creation of deontologically abundant educational environment which represents a multi-leveled system of conditions (circumstances, factors, possibilities) provides the optimal parameters for educational activity of educational subjects; ensuring the cross-subject integration which contributes to the formation of an integral system of preparation of the senior management of educational institutions on the second cycle of higher education. It is noted that the deontological preparation of the senior management of educational institutions is grounded on the systemized integration which represents the social and economical basis for the integration of different elements into a single structure providing the productivity and steadiness of the professional training process in a higher educational establishment..


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