competency, competence, competent approach, military specialists, servicemen as leaders, professional standards for the trainingAbstract
Based on modern scientific sources and experience, training of military specialists during the armed Russian aggression, there has been revealed the essence of behavioral competencies the future officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who is the subject of professional training of a military leader ina higher military educational institution. There has been analyzed the conceptual and categorical apparatus which is used during the development of normative documents for training the military specialists in higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and military training units of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. It has been proved that the normative documents on professional standards for training the military specialists impose contradictions of competence approach. It has been revealed that without taking into account the essence of behavioral competencies, which should be formed in cadets (listeners) in the educational process it will be impossible to develop their leadership competency when they serve as officers. It has been determined that the justification and identification of the behavioral competencies of servicemen as leaders is the main goal of a competentcy oriented approach to ensure the vocational training of military specialists in higher military educational institutions. The definition and description of the basic concepts of competence-oriented approach in military education allows us to proceed to the description of the mechanism of its use for the training of future officers as military leaders. It has been substantiated that the officer competent in leadership uses all classes of tasks and service functions in a complex and systematic way. The significant disadvantage of existing approaches in military education of Ukraine regarding training the military specialists as military leaders is that the scientific and pedagogical staff of the military academies as well as cadets perceive the leadership of the officer (sergeant) only in terms of managerial or organizational functions. As a result of the analysis, there has been identified a set of basic competencies (cognitive, behavioral) that serve as guidelines for building the content of professional training programs for officers as military leaders.
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