



vocational education, periodization, development, lower vocational education, technical education, higher education, education management, vocational school, university


The article attempts to substantiate the development of domestic vocational education’s periodization. It is indicated that the problem of periodization is one of the most important in the humanities, in particular in the history of pedagogy. The substantiated periodization of the formation and development of various parts of the national vocational education in the works of N. Gupan, O. Kokhanko, M. Puzanov, O. Sukhomlynska, G. Tereshchenko and others is analyzed. Based on the analysis of the pedagogical theory and practice of this period, we have identified twelve major periods of development of native vocational education, each of which is characterized by changes in vocational training, caused both by state policy and the development of pedagogical science in general. In particular, the author substantiates 1) the propaedeutic period of development of vocational education (from ancient times to the institutionalization of professional pedagogy and education); 2) from 1860s to 1890s (the emergence of specialized vocational schools); 3) from 1890s to 1905 (creation of the system of professional (industrial and agricultural) education and their management bodies); 4) from 1905 to 1920 (formation and development of the national system of education in general and vocational education as its component during the period of liberation struggles of the Ukrainian people); 5) from 1920 to 1923 (the formation of the national (pro-Ukrainian) system of vocational education in the Ukrainian SSR); 6) from 1924 to 1933 (destruction and Russification of Ukrainian educational system, including professional); 7) from 1934 to 1941 (creation of branch systems of vocational education, transfer of vocational schools to narrow-profile training, strict normative regulation of educational institutions); 8) from 1941 to 1944 (destruction of the existing education system in the occupied territories and the opening of professional schools for the training of young people to work at the enterprises of the Third Reich by the German occupational authorities); 9) from 1945 to 1958 (restoration of the Soviet system of education, creation of a centralized and rigidly regulated system of vocational education); 10) from 1958 to 1984 (the period of further development of the system of vocational and technical education, the flourishing of the system of higher technical education); 11) from 1985 to 1991 (origin and formation of the modern stage of development of vocational education within the framework of the Soviet educational system); 12) from 1991 to this day (the development of the Ukrainian system of vocational education in the conditions of the restored Ukrainian statehood and the development of Ukraine as an independent state).


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