personality oriented approach, training of future technology teachers, personality oriented education, educational processAbstract
The pedagogical aspects of the implementation of the personality oriented approach in training future technology teachers are considered. The theoretical analysis of scientific studies in the area of professional training of the future teacher, the technology teacher in particular, is carried out. The dictionary interpretation of the personality oriented approach is analyzed. The study of the substantiation of this method in scientific works has been carried out. The main positions for understanding of the essence of personality oriented education are outlined, namely ensuring the disclosure of the individuality of each student, his abilities, inclinations, interests, value orientations and subjective experience; Realization of the educational process taking into account personal abilities of students; Creation of conditions for self-development, self-expression and self-improvement of future specialists; Deeper, holistic understanding of the student's personality in the educational process. The features of personality oriented education are determined. The emphasis is made on the principle of natural conformity as the basic principle of personality oriented education. There have been determined the basic tasks and the initial provisions of the construction of the personality oriented system of education, which envisages the creation of a suitable educational environment, democratization of the teacher-student relations, as well as the activation of each student in order to develop his personal and professional abilities and qualities, strengthening his subjective functions. The criteria of effective organization of personality oriented education are outlined. The approaches of personality oriented education, namely individual, social-psychological, age, activity, system-psychological, multilevel, differentiated and subjective-personal, are defined. There have been highlighted the main methodical components of the personality oriented training, observance of which ensures the effectiveness of the approach. There have also been highlighted the most significant conditions of its implementation in training future technology teachers. It is determined that the effectiveness of personality oriented education depends to a large extent on the readiness of future teachers to implement it and to develop their creativity, creative initiative, and establish the need to search for them. The most significant conditions for the implementation of the person-centered approach in training future technology teachers are singled out. The methodical principles of the realization of the personality oriented approach in the process of professional training of future technology teachers are specified.
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