


рrimary school, phraseological unit, system of exercises, experiment


The article reveals the peculiarities of learning phraseological units of the Ukrainian language at primary school. Theoretical aspects of leading scientists` investigations into pupils` knowledge of phraseological units are considered, specific features of the traditional system of teaching phraseological units in classes of Ukrainian are defined. The importance of learning the phraseological units as the tool of developing emotional as well as figurative writing and conversation is underlined. Ukrainian language curriculums and textbooks for primary schools are analyzed; exercises which are the basis for acquiring knowledge of the phraseological material are worked out. Verification experiment was aimed at determining the effectiveness of the exercises. As a result, lack of effectiveness of traditional methods and violation of the principle of systematic study, low level of phraseological units knowledge, habits and skills are revealed. The system of exercises for extension pupils` phraseological skills at primary school is created on the basis of progressive pedagogical synthesis, traditional methods of teaching and personal consideration. The exercises were included in the Ukrainian language curriculum for the experimental form. The system of exercises was integrated into the structure of the curriculum, systematic work based on the phraseology in the process of learning grammar and spelling of Ukrainian was carried out on the forming stage. The control experiment was conducted after the forming stage and it has shown a higher quality level of knowledge acquisition of phraseological units by pupils from experimental form. Taking into consideration the results of the investigation, the effectiveness of the elaborated system of exercises is proved and the expediency of using the new system in teaching process of Ukrainian at primary school is determined.


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