


Ukrainian language, textbook, language exercises, primary education, multi-ethnic environment, different kinds of lessons


Problems of teaching the Ukrainian language at primary school in immigration educational area are analyzed in the article. It is emphasized that in teaching the Ukrainian language the linguistic aspect prevails as it provides a comprehensive study of the language as a system: the sounding and meaning of words, phrases, sentences and the whole text, their grammatical form, graphic and spelling, stylistic features. It is proved that under the circumstances of emigration activity-oriented approach to the language teaching didactic conditions are directed to speech activity, which reveals the speech processes of production or perception of texts (from the textbook), associated with the topics of specific areas of communication. Methodologist Mariya Deiko attributes non-traditional forms of teaching the Ukrainian language at primary school as different types of lessons, the specificity of which depends on the leading way of organizing learning activities of pupils, as well as the democratization of the educational process, which involves active interaction between a teacher and a student. Objective and subjective tendencies of the development of primary school in Ukrainian diaspora in the West are considered. During the lessons of the Ukrainian language teachers use in-game elements, conduct classes of the development of speech-creative abilities (conversation, planning, creative work, selfassessment, improving communication skills, writing information for the children magazine), guide virtual tours to Ukraine (with the help of their parents and teachers pupils use photographs, slides, videos, geographic pictures, trying themselves in the role of a tour guide), prepare oral or written stories, descriptions (using the materials from the textbook).


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Третя читанка. – Нью-Йорк: Видання Шкільної ради, 1966. – 144 с.

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Четверта читанка. – Нью-Йорк: Видання Шкільної ради, 1966– 152 c.

