


competence, professional competence, technology of professional competence of future primary school teacher


The following article discloses the structure of the author's technology of formation of professional competence of future teachers of primary school, which includes three components: a targeting, organization and productivity. Moreover, the stages of formation of professional competence of future teachers of primary classes, namely: adaptation and reproductively (it is characterized by features of educational cognitive activity of first-year students in the conditions of higher educational institution and their basic need for adaptation to credit-module systems of training), action-active (directed to mastering students system of pedagogical knowledge, abilities, skills; formation of a professional image of «I», understanding of the opportunities at realization of pedagogical activity, aspiration to self-development, self-improvement, etc.), reflexive and creative (assumes development of individual style of future elementary school teacher as active subject of own activity, also mastering ways of adoption of professionally important decisions, etc. has professional competence, capable to creation of a personal conceptual basis of pedagogical activity) are characterized. Forms and methods used in the course of the experimental work in the projected technology in the educational process of professional training of future primary school teacher are characterized including: interactive methods of training, training technologies, psychology and pedagogical support, saturation of content of education by special courses and subjects for acquaintance with the arisen problem, the contents and requirements of the credit-module system, educational and methodical providing according to certain requirements, work of curators (tutors), student teaching, activity of student scientific circles, research and practical conferences and seminars, a competition of pedagogical skill and so forth.


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