


competence, motivation, level education, successful professional activities


The article deals with students’ learning motivation in context of the competence approaches. Motivation is a determinative factor of forming of the professional competence of future specialists. Research methods: theoretical – the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, educationalnormative and lawful documentation; generalization, classification, analogy, prognostication, planning for the ground of conclusions; empiric – questioning, supervision, self-rating, conversations with students and teachers, discussions; methods of mathematical statistics for the treatment of research results, establishment of their authenticity (Pearson Correlation Coefficient).The conditions of forming of learning motivation are determined. The differences in response to the formation of motivation in colleges and universities are clarified. Pedagogical conditions of the future engineering and architecture specialists’ training system implementation have been substantiated and fulfilled in the thesis, namely: formation of positive motivation to learning; didactically substantiated objectives of learning activity; activation of learning – and – cognitive activity in accordance with the form of learning activity and students’ individual peculiarities; subject-subject interaction between student and teacher, aimed to succeed. Teachers of higher educational establishments are given recommendation in forming motivation for achievements. Experimental studies in real conditions of students’ teaching process confirmed, in general, the accuracy of the recommendations. It has been concluded that practical realization of the considered approaches in the relation to preparation of specialists of building profile on the whole predetermines the increase of efficiency of continuous trade education.


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