


studying process, model of studying, linguodidactic model of ELC in WC of PM, structure of linguadidactic model of training


In spite of valid contribution of the scientists to the methodological studies, the unique linguodidactic learning model of foreign language communicative competence still doesn’t exist. Accordingly, the enveloping of such models for certain aspects of communicative competence is relevant nowadays. The article is devoted to elaborating and defining of linguodidactic model and it’s components for the formation of English lexical competence in written communication of prospective marketers. The methodological and scientific literature on modeling of the learning process while forming foreign language communicative competence, namely lexical competence and competence in written communication has been analyzed. Moreover, the structural components of linguodidactic model have been grounded. The structural components are: goal and objectives for gradual formation of receptive, receptive-reproductive and productive skills; competence approach, problem-situational approach, action-communicative approach, aspect approach to learning. Including principles of studying: didactic principles of connection of studying with life, visibility principle, consciousness principle and methodological principle of communicability and professionally oriented principle; procedural and substantive components of learning content, criteria of learning material selection and subsystem non-communicative and semi-conditionally-communicative tasks and assignments for English lexical competence formation in written communication of prospective marketers. On the basis of the analysis of the scientific sources on research issues and with the consideration of the components of the competence the linguodidactic model of English lexical competence formation in written communication of future marketing experts has been proposed and schematically depicted. The structure of elaborated model presents valuable aspects of the procedure of ELC in WC of PM formation, according to the stages of studying based on theoretical and methodological backgrounds.


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