


system of exercises and assignments, types of exercises and assignments, subgroups of exercises, stages of building English lexical and grammar competence, prospective economists


The article deals with the analysis of the issue of designing the system of exercises for building English lexical and grammar competence of prospective economists. The essence of the concept “exercise” is defined and its mandatory components are described (task, fulfillment of the exercise and control). The role of an exercise in the process of foreign language teaching is highlighted and justified. The specific features of the system of exercises and assignments in building foreign communicative competence are revealed, namely: direction at receiving and giving information, level of communicative value, motivation, level of guidance and supervision, game component, availability of the aids, the way of fulfilling exercise. The principles and objectives of system of exercises for building English lexical and grammar competence of prospective economists are established. The tasks of the exercises are composed with the aim of reflecting the main stages of building abilities and skills. The exercises and assignments follow the principle of the growing complication and gradual dosing of the learning material. The groups and subgroups in accordance to the stages of building English lexical and grammar competence of prospective economists are outlined. Lexical competence development provides for three stages: introduction, consolidation and application. Grammar competence development is expected to go through three stages: oriented- preparatory stage, stereotyped-situational and variablesituational ones. Each stage of building lexical or grammar competence is presented by two subgroups of exercises. The suggested system of exercises for building English lexical and grammar competence of prospective economists is described and the samples of exercise and assignments from the outlined subgroups of exercises are presented. The dominant types of exercise and assignments which are designed to build English lexical and grammar competence of prospective economists are receptiveproductive, non-communicative and semi-communicative ones.


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