national-patriotic education, students, rural school, experienceAbstract
The article deals with the issue of examining the experience of secondary schools at nationalpatriotic education of students, taking into consideration the current sociocultural and political situation in the country, science development level and requirements of practical teaching. The author program and mechanism for the implementation of the system of national-patriotic education of students of rural secondary schools of the Polissia region (Luchinskyi educational complex Dubrovytsky district Rivne region is given as an example) are presented in the paper. In the paper tasks and content of national-patriotic education of pupils are disclosed, forms and methods of its realization are characterized. It is concluded that integrated use of traditional and innovative forms, methods and means of education, through a coordinated interaction of all participants of the educational process on the principles of personal and activity, axiological and cultural approaches taking into consideration natural, social, cultural and ethnographic features of the Polissia region, contributes to the effective implementation of the tasks of the national-patriotic education of students.
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