


distance course, distance learning, methodical training, training of the biology teacher, methods of teaching biology


The article looks into experience of development and implementation of distance course «Methods of teaching biology» at National pedagogical university of M. P. Dragomanov. Distance learning is basis of a new educational paradigm which determines content and the directions of development of the modern higher school. The regulatory framework of implementation of distance learning in NPU is characterized. Analysis of the theory and practice of methodical training of future teachers on distance learning is made. The directions of use of distance technologies of methodical training of future teachers are determined. The main of them are: organizational support of theoretical training and work (pedagogical) practice for students of full-time course of study; task performance for students’ self – study work of correspondence-course training during the intersession period; organization of educational process of students of distance learning. The distance course «Methods of teaching biology» is part of university – wide project «E-pedagogy». The structure of this course is determined. The features of development of a distance course «Methods of teaching biology» are described. The essence of the leading types of training of an author’s distance course (lecture, consultation, laboratory occupations, testing and students’ self – study work) is disclosed. The basis of maintenance of a course is made by an author’s complex of educational and methodical providing on credit course «Methods of teaching biology», methodics instructive regulations and recommendation. They are created in the process of its own long-term experience of methodical training of the biology teachers at natural – geographical sciences and ecology department of National pedagogical university. The analysis of results of introduction of this distance course is made. The improvement directions of distance course «Methods of teaching biology» are defined: the сluster structure formation of distance course (splitting into two parts: compulsory and elective components), increase in a share of interactive types of occupations and forms of work, differentiation and individualization of students’ self – study work, strengthening of feedback and create of conditions for reflection of future biology teachers.


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