


blended learning, digital technologies, flipped learning, collaboration, communication


The integration of digital technologies with ordinary teaching and learning methods is a feature of higher education. Integration is growing rapidly, primarily due to the quick development of digital technologies and the enhancement of digital skills of both students and teachers. Digital technologies bring about powerful changes in the educational system. Expansion of an access to devices and communication increases students’ digital literacy. The development of learning environment and free online resources change the ways in which students get access to information and obtain new knowledge. Blended learning is an innovative teaching method today. The article substantiates the role of blended learning in the digital transformation of higher education, analyses the implementation of blended learning models in the educational process of a higher education institution. The advantages of using blended learning in the educational process and the key factors of an effective blended learning environment have been determined. The “Flipped Classroom” learning model has been substantiated in detail and effective methods for implementing the flipped classroom methodology have been identified. To implement a blended learning model, a teacher must possess competencies that include the digital competence of a teacher. The poll of teachers regarding their choice of blended learning models has been conducted. A wide range of digital tools, which are used by teachers during classes based on the blended learning method, have been identified. It has been summarized that the use of the mixed learning model contributes to the development of digital competence of teachers and students and the improvement of the quality of the educational process as well.


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