Requirements for drafting articles

An electronic copy of the article in Ukrainian or English with a total volume of 12–25 pages, including annotations and a list of references, in A4 format and a corresponding file in the Word for Windows text editor is sent to the editors of the collection.

The article is printed in the Word for Windows text editor in Times New Roman 14 font, spacing 1.5. Page margins: top and bottom – 2.0 cm each, left – 2.5 cm, right – 1.0 cm. Paragraph margin - 1.25 cm. Pages are not numbered.

The text of the article is drawn up in the following order:

1. UDC index, left-aligned.

2. Name and surname of the author(s), right-aligned. 

3. ORCID ID, right-aligned. 

4. Email, right-justified.

5. Academic degree and academic title of the author, right-aligned. 

6. Place of work (name of the educational institution in the nominative case), right-aligned. 

7. Business address, right-aligned. 

8. Article title, center alignment. 

9. Abstract in the language of the article (1500-1700 characters).

10. Key words. The volume is 4–6 words.

11. Through the line - the name and surname of the author (authors), scientific degree and academic title, place of work, official address, title of the article, extended (2200-2700 characters) abstract and keywords in English (must include relevance, purpose, methods and research results, i.e. to be a thumbnail of your article). If the article is written in English, then this part of it is written in Ukrainian.

12. Through the line - the main text of the article.

13. The text of the article should state its purpose.

14. References in the text are made in square brackets - [ ]. The first number in them corresponds to the number of the source in the bibliography, and the comma is followed by a small letter c with a period and a number that means the page number.

15. Tables, schemes, figures, diagrams must be author's, and not copied from other publications. All pictures must be grouped.

16. The list of used sources must be drawn up according to the approved National Standard responsible for the design of bibliographic information in scientific work DSTU 8302:2015 and alphabetically.

17. The transliterated bibliography, in accordance with the requirements of the scientometric database SCOPUS and Web of Science, is a complete analogue of the bibliography and is performed by transliterating the original language in Latin. At the same time, the order and number of sources in the bibliography should remain unchanged. The name of each source in English is given in square brackets. Links to English-language sources are not transliterated. 

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, a typical scientific article in a professional publication should have the following structure:
- formulation of a scientific and practical problem;
– relevance and novelty of the research;
– connection of the topic of the article with important scientific and practical tasks;
– analysis of the latest publications on the research topic;
- presentation of the main material;
- conclusions;
- prospects for using research results.

In the text of the article, only the purpose of the article is indicated from the named points.