Research directions

Current directions of pedagogical research for publication in a periodical
«The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.
Series: pedagogy»
● Methodology of pedagogical knowledge
● Philosophy of education and pedagogical science
● Pedagogical science in an interdisciplinary dimension
● Synergistic paradigm in pedagogy and education
● Competency approach in education
● Epistemology of pedagogical thought and history of education in Ukraine
● The genesis of pedagogical thought and educational systems abroad
● Innovative models of development of modern educational systems
● Monitoring the quality of education and pedagogical diagnostics
● Pedagogical forecasting and modeling of didactic systems
● Communication in a pedagogical, sociocultural, professional environment
● Psychology of education and pedagogical counseling
● Modernization of education in the context of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School
● Pedagogical support for the development of gifted children of preschool and school age
● Socio-pedagogical work on prevention and overcoming deviant behavior of teenagers
● Individual trajectory of professional formation and personality development of a high school student in the conditions of specialized training
● Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in education:
● Methodology, theory and history of ICT use in education
● Information platforms and training tools
● ICT and teaching aids in primary and general secondary education
● ICT and teaching aids in institutions of higher education
● Cloud environment of the university, e-learning
● ICT support for psychological and pedagogical research
● ICT education management
● Modern interactive learning methods
● Special and inclusive education in Ukraine and abroad
● Health-saving technologies in education
● Professional self-determination and socialization of youth
● Professional identity and mastery of the teacher
● Management of education
● Andragogy, self-awareness and professional self-development of an adult
● Acmeology in the context of improving the quality of professional education and career
● Pedagogical gerontology, education and psychosocial concepts of human aging