Procedure for reviewing article manuscripts

Manuscripts should meet the specific requirements prescribed by the editorial office of the journal. Editors are entitled to send a manuscript back for improving or to reject due to considerable non-compliance with the editorial policy, journal ethical standards, requirements for manuscripts. Authors receive a notice of receipt, return, or rejection of manuscripts via e-mail.

Peer-review process

All materials are subject to an external peer-review by an expert in the relevant specialty. There is a system of a double “blind” peer-review in the journal. 

A peer-reviewer has three options after examining materials:

1) to publish in the author’s edition;

2) to publish with minor alternations made by the editorial board;

3) to send an author’s manuscript back (if it needs improving; the author can send the improved manuscript again);

4) to reject the publication (if a manuscript doesn’t meet the editorial policy, ethical norms, requirements for manuscripts).

Each issue of the scientific journal undergoes external peer review by scientists with the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences, and is also recommended by the academic council of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.