labor training, technological education, innovative teaching aids, QR-generatorAbstract
The peculiarities of the implementation of the educational process in secondary and higher education institutions under martial law are characterized. The need to adapt educational content to modern realities is indicated. The relevance of the use of innovative means of training future specialists in technological education, as well as high school students in the lessons of labor training (technology) is substantiated. The potential possibilities of the QR-generator as an innovative means of educational activity of participants in the educational process of secondary and higher education institutions are outlined. The methodical aspects of its application in the process of creating a teacher’s (lecturer’s) V-card, as well as the project activities of future technological education specialists are determined. An experimental study of the effectiveness of the use of the QR-generator in the educational process of secondary and higher education institutions was conducted. The conclusions from the conducted research are substantiated: the use of the QR code generator in educational technological activities increases the interest of pupils and students in learning the educational material. It will also allow to increase the level of prestige of educational subjects of labor training and technologies in secondary education institutions, as well as increase the effectiveness of the educational process, mastering the strategy of project activity, independent choice of the mode of educational activity, organizational forms and methods of education. The option of replacing illustrative and explanatory teaching methods with a variety of different types of educational activities, focused on the active use of information and communication technologies as tools of cognition and self-cognition, tools of research, construction, measurement and formalization of knowledge is proposed.
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