


computer geometric modeling, civil engineers, project activity, educational process, motivation


Computer geometric modeling is a necessary component of the design process in modern engineering. This is a technological process that allows you to create virtual objects and systems using computer programs and specialized algorithms. Computer geometric modeling is used in many fields of engineering, including construction, mechanical engineering, aviation, medicine, and others. One of the main tasks that can be solved with the help of computer geometric modeling is the design of buildings and structures. Construction is one of the most complex and costly industries, where ensuring the safety and efficiency of projects is a particularly important task. Computer geometric modeling allows civil engineers to create and analyze virtual 3D models of buildings, which greatly facilitates the design process and increases the quality and efficiency of projects. The purpose of this article is to study the importance of computer geometric modeling technologies for future civil engineers and their motivation for project activities. The article is devoted to the study of the impact of computer geometric modeling technologies on the motivation of future civil engineers for project activities. The authors consider the advantages of using these technologies in the educational process and examine the practical experience of their application. The article contains an overview of previous research in this area, a description of the importance of using computer geometric modeling to motivate engineering students, and prospects for further research into computer geometric modeling technologies in the engineering field. As a result of the study, it was established that the use of computer geometric modeling technologies has a positive effect on the motivation of future civil engineers for project activities. In particular, students showed greater interest and involvement in the learning process, which allows them to acquire more knowledge and skills in this field. The article describes methods and means of computer geometric modeling, such as CAD, BIM, and others, and shows their advantages in comparison with traditional design methods. In addition, the article examines the impact of the use of computer geometric modeling technologies on improving the quality of design activities and the efficiency of production of building structures. The results of the study can be useful for teachers and students working in the field of engineering education, as well as for professionals involved in design and construction. In general, the article will help expand our knowledge about the application of computer geometric modeling technologies in the modern engineering field and increase interest in their use in project activities.


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