



grammatical competence, English as a second foreign language, transfer, experimental teaching, prospective teachers, individual work


The article dwells on the results of the experimental verification of the effectiveness of the suggested methodology of developing productive grammatical competence of prospective teachers learning English after German in the process of independent work. The process of organization and the stages of the experimental teaching have been described, the obtained results have been analyzed, interpreted, and verified with the help of mathematical methods of statistics. We formulated the hypothesis, which was verified through the experimental study. The hypothesis states that the process of developing productive grammatical competence of students learning English after German will improve under the conditions of using the suggested methodology, which implies: 1) gradual development of grammatical competence in speaking and writing (preparatory, stereotypical, variational stages); 2) the possibilities for positive transfer of knowledge, skills, linguistic and learning experience from the first foreign language and the prevention of interference from the first foreign language; 3) the development of students’ grammatical awareness by means of the exercises with the reflective component and the exercises aimed at the development of students’ learning and strategic competence; 4) giving students greater autonomy within the individual work under the less rigid control of a teacher. The two variants of the methodology were suggested: model A and model B. The obtained data provided the effectiveness of model A. The students demonstrated higher results in grammatical accuracy and fluency in speaking and writing. The results of the experimental study proved the suggested hypothesis.


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