


BYOD-technology, mobile learning, mobile devices, QR-code, lexicographical competence, electronic dictionary


The importance of introducing innovative educational techniques in higher education institutions has been outlined. The essence of notions “mobile learning” and “BYOD technique” has been investigated: mobile learning is considered as a type of electronic learning when mobile devices are used with didactic purpose; the particular feature of BYOD technology is the use of personal smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. by the participants of educational process as means of mobile learning. It has been outlined, that creation of mobile educational environment refers to competency-oriented techniques. The advantages of mobile learning over other innovative techniques have been characterized. The essence and structure of the notion of “lexicographical competency” in scientific and pedagogical literature have been analysed, author’s own interpretation of this term has been suggested, which stands for natural unity of lexicographical knowledge, abilities and skills of reproductive and creative information search activity while working with dictionaries and reference sources. The following components of lexicographical competence have been distinguished: lexicographical knowledge (awareness of types of dictionaries, principles of dictionary article structuring, major works concerning lexicography and their authors, etc.); lexicographical routines (ability to use dictionaries of different types; to find and highlight the necessary information; to enrich lexicographical description of word with grammatical and stylistic information, which is contained in remarks and abbreviations, etc.); lexicographical skills (collecting and processing lexicographical material, compiling dictionaries and reference books, etc.). The peculiarities of electronic dictionaries and their advantages over paper ones have been emphasized (large amount of information due to hyperlinks; multimedia applications; effective search system; constant updating of current information, etc.). Linguistic portals, websites and links of different types and purposes have been provided as a recommendation for professional preparation of future primary school teachers. A list of the most popular e-dictionaries has been proposed for in-class usage and performing tasks while studying the course “Modern Ukrainian Language with Workshops” using the BYOD technology combined with the technology of QR-coding.


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