digital technology, interactive learning, Padlet, collaboration, communicationAbstract
The organization of the educational process with the use of digital tools is a priority of a modern higher education institution. Such tools significantly increase the effectiveness of distance learning. Teachers must use a variety of digital tools to choose the most effective means, style and format of communication with students. Google Apps enables educators to integrate digital communication and collaboration technologies into their educational activities. Padlet is one of such innovative tools, which can be used for sharing information, images, audio or video files on virtual walls. The study outlines the use of an interactive Padlet board to support learning. The main advantages of this interactive resource are accessibility, multimedia, easiness, mobility, interactivity and creativity. Examples of possible options for using the interactive Padlet board in the organization of the educational process during the teaching of the discipline “MIT in the educational process” have been considered and given. These boards can be used to gather information, communicate, work together, solve problems, organize project activities. Interactive boards can be used at different stages of the lesson and for different purposes. Examples of using interactive boards before the lesson, for publishing tasks and guidelines for their implementation, for collaboration and communication, for presenting by students their own project results have been given.
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