



vocational and technical educational institutions, individuals with special needs, inclusive educational environment


The article deals with the problem of teaching people with special needs in an inclusive educational environment of vocational schools. It becomes especially relevant in the context of Ukrainian education integrational process into the European educational context. Reforms and modernization of education, which are currently taking place as a part of social transformations, require ensuring full access to high quality education for young people with special educational needs. Reforming of the Ukrainian educational system provides establishment of an inclusive paradigm with an emphasis on educational support and adaptation of educational factors. This has led to public demand for transformation and modernization of vocational education. The lack of funding from the state is emphasized as the reason for the insufficient material and technical base of vocational schools: the inability to provide with educational facilities in accordance with the norms and standards set by public authorities, in particular for people with hearing impairments. The authors describe the effective means of teaching people with hearing impairments in the inclusive educational environment of vocational schools. The content, forms and methods of implementing the author’s methods of teaching computer science at vocational schools in inclusive area are presented. They are included in the list of the components of educational and professional training programs: computer typesetting operator (СП(ПТ)О 4112.DE.22.00 – 2020); telecommunications operator (СП(ПТ)О 4229 J.61.00 – 2019); operator of machine tools with software control (СП(ПТ)О 8211.С.25.62 – 2017); information processing and software operator СП(ПТ)О 4113 J. 62.00-63.10 – 2017); operator of machine tools with software control (ДСПТО 8211.СО.28.52 – 2014). The experience of teaching people with special needs in an inclusive educational environment of the Ukrainian vocational education institutions is analyzed, generalized, and the need to develop a Standard of vocational education for teaching people with special needs in an inclusive educational environment is outlined. The authors outline the prospects for the use of the developed methodology in future educational and professional training programs for applicants for vocational education.


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