


citizenship education, political education, citizenship, global citizenship education, Austria, Ukraine


In the context of globalization citizenship education issues are re-emerging in the international scope, including the discussion of the citizenship education concept and the role and goal formulations of citizenship education. The problem of political education has recently become increasingly important. For example, against the background of difficult political events in Ukraine over the past two decades, it becomes clear that maintaining and developing democracy requires critical citizens of society who understand the prospects of a democratic system for the country. In order to understand current socio-political problems, it is first necessary to analyze a critical analysis of historical, political and socio-cultural developments in a society. The article was created as a part of the research project “Implications of global developments on job-related ideas of teacher training students in Austria and Ukraine” of the University College of Teacher Education Vienna, the TNPU and WUNU. The contribution of this article to the aim of the research project is therefore to compare the citizenship education system in Ukraine and Austria and their respective historical development in order to draw the conclusions for teacher training. This contribution is closely connected with an international current discourse on central concepts of citizenship education. The article deals with the history of the citizenship education in Ukraine and Austria, shows the current state of development of this educational area and presents the results of the curriculum analysis of the pedagogical universities with regard to the implementation of political education in the context of globalization. The results of the work can help theorists and practitioners to understand the challenges of citizenship education in times of globalization.


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