



virtual laboratory, chemical disciplines, students


The introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process of teaching various disciplines is becoming increasingly important. Accordingly, the issue of application of these technologies in the teaching of chemical disciplines is relevant, namely the study of the possibility of using virtual laboratories in Chemistry as an interactive learning tool to improve the learning process and provide opportunities for professional and research skills. The purpose of the article is to study the possibilities of using virtual laboratories in the process of teaching chemical disciplines and to determine the opinion of students on the effectiveness of this type of activity. The following research methods are used in the article: theoretical – analysis of scientific publications on the research problem; systematization and generalization of information; empirical – questionnaires and analysis of its results. The article considers the advantages and disadvantages of using virtual Chemistry laboratories in the educational process. The article analyzes the concept of «virtual laboratory» and gives the definition of a virtual laboratory of Chemistry as a software environment that allows to form practical skills by conducting laboratory experiments, simulating the sequence of actions of the researcher in real laboratory (or managing chemical plants by robotic means) with use of computer models or contactless (remotely) with real equipment and reagents. We consider the virtual Chemistry laboratories available on the Internet, which provides free access to the educational resources and explores their didactic and methodological opportunities to increase the level of formation of practical skills and abilities during chemical experiments. It is established that the use of a virtual laboratory in Chemistry contributes to the formation of practical skills in conducting interactive laboratory classes with further consolidation in real conditions; provides an individual pace of mastering the skills of chemical experiment; allows students to explore processes that require special conditions; increases the motivation to master new material by working in a virtual environment that is familiar and interesting for the modern student; provides realization of its independent preparation for performance of experiments in real laboratory conditions. It is substantiated the use of virtual laboratories in Chemistry cannot substitute the traditional performance of laboratory work, but is only a supplementary form.


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