



managerial competence, manager, subject-subject interaction, educational services market


The authors analyzed the problem of qualitative training of an innovative manager, who is capable not only to thoroughly fulfill functional duties in the workplace, but also to be flexible to the changes in a society, quickly deal with situations, to be able to predict the future and choose effective ways to  realize potential opportunities. Balancing the positions of a teacher and a student is emphasized, which is expressed by a joint discussion of topical educational and professional problems for speciality 073 – Management; the teacher’s using democratic management style in the educational process is also highlighted. It was found out that the most important thing is to ensure compliance of the controlling subsystem and the subsystem that is controlled for modern management theory and practice, since only on condition of such conformity the dynamic development of the educational process in accordance with the purpose of the higher educational establishment is possible. It proves that in the educational management the philosophy of influence is changed by the philosophy of creating the conditions for interaction, cooperation, partnership; and in the practice of information society development, when money capital as a strategic resource on which profit depends is replaced by human resource, interdependence of the socio-economic and management activities is generally recognized. After all, as a result of inefficient management at all levels, the level of competitiveness of the country decreases, which reduces the possibilities of self-realization, self-improvement and self-development of a human. Therefore, the necessity to prepare higher education applicants for management activities and to form their management competence in terms of subject-subject interaction through mastering professionally oriented disciplines in the direction of their professional training emerges as the most important factor of the socio-economic development of the country and each of its regions.


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