


teacher training quality, criteria and components of quality determination process, target functions


The modern reform of domestic educational system requires of higher education institutions observing the quality of learning activity and ensuring the quality of teachers’ professional activity. The purpose of this article is to study and analyze scientific research on the problem of ensuring teachers’ training quality, and determine the criteria for their evaluation in the system of postgraduate education for sustainable development. To reach the purpose, the following tasks were set: to analyze psychological and pedagogical domestic scientists’ works on the researched subject; to clarify the meaning of the term «teacher training quality»; to determine the categorical apparatus and terminological basis of the study; to consider domestic practice of solving educational problems related to the subject of this study. In the process of carrying out the research, the following methods were used: theoretical and methodological analysis of literary sources to identify the factors influencing social and educational environment for teacher training and professional development; system and structural; comparative in the definition of general and special laws, trends of development, spheres of mutual influence of educational systems, science, cultures. The work analyzes domestic scientists’ psychological and pedagogical works on the subject. The factors that determined the need to ensure the quality of teachers’ educational work in the system of postgraduate education were determined. The content of the terms «the quality of education», «the quality of educational work», «teacher training quality» is specified. The criteria and components of teachers’ training are considered, the internal and external systems of providing this process, types of target functions through formation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge are determined. The possible ways of ensuring the quality of educational services and teacher training quality at three levels are identified: education system, higher educational institutions (faculties), departments. The components of quality determination process are investigated: qualitative student contingent; the control of educational work; flexibility of building the educational process, its technological and innovative character; methodical counseling; organizational dynamics of training specialists; acknowledged prospect; stimulation and initiation of motivation for enhancement of students’ progress; preservation, generation and accumulation of scientific and educational elite of higher educational institutions. It is noted that in order to implement the procedure for determining teacher training quality, normative documents are valid, especially Qualification characteristics of professions (positions) of pedagogical academic staff and National qualification framework. Methods of group expert evaluation of higher education institutions’ activity and experts’ professional assessment of higher education issues, the national model of training of methodologists of higher qualification are developed by domestic scientists. The urgency of this problem is confirmed by conclusion on direct dependence of teacher training quality and on the quality of educational services provided by the NGO.


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