


upbringing, creative personality, senior pupil, teacher, lesson


The article deals with the pedagogical approach of the formation of the creative personality of senior pupils at general comprehensive schools in the 1950-1980s. The composed material is grounded on the basis of the thorough analysis of the archive materials, publications based on the description of teachers’ work of the described period and publications in the press of the outlined period. The system of class based on conditions that favoured the formation of the creative personality of the senior students has been the centre of the investigation. Friendly atmosphere in the lesson as well as extra curricular activities and personal interaction between the teacher and senior pupils encouraged pupils’ self determination, desire to self expression, self guidance, and self upbringing. The main concepts of teachers work in the lessons that did their best in order to shape and form the creative personality of the senior students have been clearly shown in the article via vivid examples taken from the archive documents. It has been proven that teaching that aimed the personal rather than group or class development of the growing up youth generation resulted in their conscious self improvement. The youth educated by individual approach were able to make independent decisions and behave in non-traditional way when solving problems,it was easier for pupils to come up with personal ideas in order to solve the set tasks. The above listed results were achieved via series of lessons conducted by teachers who used progressive approach which strongly was different from the standard one. Lessons conducted as seminars, discussions, conferences etc aroused pupils’ personal initiative to act as well as improved their creative skills and interests. The teaching methods that engaged students activity, prompted their creative and research work have been illustrated in the article. It has been proven that despite the general belief that the school of the past was aimed at mass rather than individual education, the conducted investigation has proven and demonstrated the work of teachers who committed themselves in order to find individual approach to every senior pupil and help them blossom intellectually and develop their creative personality.


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